الدكتور : محمد صالح سليمان
قسم التدريب :متخصص في تطوير التدريب والتعليم


Founder and CEO of Edu Most for educational services and E-learning

Academic advisor for many educational companies and private schools.

Educational Technology instructor and e-learning specialist.

Training of more than 20,000 teachers on the use of technology in education.

Conference Coordinator for the Use of Technology in Education (2017: 2019).

Academic official of the Arab African Council for Development and Investment.

Judge in the Intel ISEF Science and Technology Competition at the Cairo level (2017: 2019).

Instructional Designer for the almutahida for e-learning

An initiative to integrate Technology in education 30,000 Teacher EduTech.

Organizing workshops, seminars, and organizing educational conferences


professional PhD in Education Technology.

Masters | Faculty of Education – Ain Shams University.

Educational Technology Dept.

 GRADE: Very Good.

Professional Diploma in Education Technology at “Faculty of Education- Ain Shams University

Grade: Very Good

Bachelor of Education| Faculty of Specific Education – Ain Shams University.

Educational Technology Dept. GRADE: Good